Seguir @NGIZero @EC_NGI
"Two months after Trump launched Truth Social, the European Union followed suit...."

The way the presentation of this information on the EU Mastodon projects was phrased is bizarre, vaguely slanderous.

There is an agenda behind this piece but I'm not sure what it is. I'm not convinced that Michael del Castillo of Forbes staff knows what it is either.

@keith @humanetech @NGIZero @EC_NGI the way that is written just feels rather off... the similarities between eu voice and truth social begin and end with being based off of mastodon and having ties to politics, they are otherwise entirely different with very different purposes

(truth social isn't even a part of the fediverse last i checked, it doesn't deserve any mention in an article about decentralised social media)

and yet they seem to insinuate that eu voice was created in relation to truth social?

really the whole section about mastodon in that article reeks of somebody who doesn't actually understand the fediverse, and honestly it feels like they are trying to downplay mastodon in favor of projects with more money behind them (which tbh is probably what their agenda is, they're interested in where the money is, and fedi is not where the money is)

@keith @humanetech @NGIZero @EC_NGI Since it’s Forbes, I’m going with “pushing fedi competitors with big money behind them”.

Money is the only thing Forbes cares about.

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