@humanetech Almost all Android devices, regardless of manufacturer, obtained through the usual retailers are a #SurveillanceCapitalism out of the box experience.
The foldable phones don't appeal to me. Despite the claims, I expect that the fold will become brittle and break. But manufacturers only really want the hardware to last a couple of years and then its on to the next new shiny model. But the more conventional clam shell or keyboard phone designs would be nice to try.
> Almost all Android devices, regardless of manufacturer, obtained through the usual retailers are a #SurveillanceCapitalism out of the box experience.
I expect that is true. But I need a new phone, and want at least a replaceable battery and also need wifi calling (we have no cell signal).
I'm attracted to the newer open-hardware phones but have not researched them enuf yet.
P.S. I might not have understood one of your comments. Does SIP phone mean wifi calls only? No cell service?
Republic phones do both. They use wifi when available and a cell network (if available) when no wifi.
We use it on cell networks when we are not at home. Our home location is the place with no cell service at all.
A SIP phone would be via some existing internet connection, yes. $15 is ok. I saw higher prices on their website.
I think their new plans have higher prices. If I can keep my old phone alive, I can stay on my current plan.
Otherwise I am looking around.
Thanks for the info and tips. I was a very late comer to "smart phones" and don't understand them very well.
I pay $15 a month. Works very well, both on wifi or cell signal.
Got any better suggestions? I'm open to change. Republic is what a bunch of friends use, but they are changing their terms with new plans.
@bob @humanetech