
I hate , I really do.

I play chess, and I swear never to do it again.
But every year or so, it happens that somebody proposes a game of chess, and I, thinking that my memories must be exaggerated, accept.

It's only a game of Chess, after all. It can't possibly be that bad. Then I remember.

I that anything like your relationship with NFS?

@keith it’s more like:
I need NFS, whenever I configure it something comes up that makes me lose a couple of hours trying to fix it.

Then it works, I forget all about it.
Then I have to do it all over again, and it’s the same thing, over and over.

But it works, and it’s 100 times better than SMB.

Love/hate relationship maybe?

Since I started to use , I have wondered how I got by without it.

Of course, I have no need for speed here.

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