You joined Mastodon LESS THAN 2 MONTHS AGO (if MORE the vote on instead) and you are currently residing in...?

Please boost for wider, more federated sample!

(PS: sorry for imperfect partitioning of the world in only 4 zones...)

So that poll was NOT a good idea. I think i have to apologize. Some people felt mis-represented in arbitrary portioning of the World (!) and they were right.

A few mistakes here: not consider "Latin America" as an ensemble, conflate the "Five Eyes" together etc.

The answers are indeed biased (as it emerged from a EU-based account) yet even if they partially answer some questions i had, i will abstain from commenting them and just delete the post.

Sorry about that.

Hey @jz Not sure about deleting. I think you open an interesting point, and i know this was done without intention to make those mistakes. Anyway, mistakes are great, we learn from them, and mistakes ARE allowed on mastodon 😉

You prompted me to look for any non-US based big tech "social" project that has gained any kind of traction on the Internet since the dawn of time. I found and . What else?
Seems most tech industry activity outside of USA is manufacturing (hardware)

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