Note to self:
Marath Baruch Bolaños López[1] en la hablando sobre Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro y la situación de repartidores - personas con en "plataformas digitales" -
, ,

Impedir la explotación es bueno; pienso tb en:

¿que se necesita para que hayan plataformas mexicanas, O mejor, - hasta locales, comunitarias?
¿Acceso a computadoras? ¿hospedaje de servidores?


So, there was a question in the Presidential Press Conference about a .

Interesting theme.
The question was from ECOS Media Mx, which looks very "startup", not really into sovereignty or autonomy;

Looks more into the standard publicity model, "influencers", centralised platforms + the usual that goes along with that stuff.

All the same, It would be interesting to talk about how they perceive a sovereign "Social Network"

Keith Whyte retooteado

And I think that leads me to a concern I have been brooding over in the last few weeks:

👉 The #Fediverse is not a drop-in replacement for #Twitter.

And it shouldn't be, because that would undermine the added value that comes

1) from local communities, connected by shared values, that also federate,

2) from empowering individuals to be in control of their identity and data, and

3) from the open standards that allow extending the "language" of the network.


You might rightly suggest that there is bias due to happening to live in these particular times, but here's a statement;
The worst event to ever afflict humanity is the emergence of the , aggravated by the .

At times I do consider that ironically, recovery could be via the internet itself, or in general. Other times not, and I'd say better cut losses now.

However, many of the people I work worth are not even open to observing the problem. 😞

Why on earth anybody would use is beyond my understanding. , I get there are reasons to want to be on there, but threads???

Funders or Fenders? If that is a typo, I think it should stay!

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

Of course there are military Starlinks. Shit.

"The LOFAR researchers also identified more brightly glowing satellites than publicly published orbital data accounted for. The researchers suspect the extras could be military Starlink satellites being deployed for a US Dept of Defense project called Starshield. If they’re right, the satellites are not as secret as the Pentagon thinks—and the interference problem could be worse than the public satellite numbers suggest."

Keith Whyte retooteado

Reminder of how much we like to criminalize being poor.

Skipping a $3.50 transit fare results in a $425 fine while skipping a $20 parking pass lands you a $70 fine that rich people complained to high heaven about. What justification, other than hating poor people, is there for this not scaling?

Make parking fines $2000 and then let's talk about the fictional "war on cars"


Keith Whyte retooteado

This is how people used to ignore each other before smartphones existed

Keith Whyte retooteado

Bienvenido #NuevoUsuario

Si vienes de Twitter, es comprensible que sientas que aquí hay mucho más silencio. @Mastodon no está "muerto", pero no hay un #algoritmo que te bombardee con cosas. Aquí desarrollas tu propia experiencia de usuario buscando y siguiendo a gente y cosas que te interesan. Puedes construir rápidamente una experiencia mucho más satisfactoria, pero requiere un poco de esfuerzo. Seguir #hashtags es una buena manera de empezar. Ten paciencia y participa en las conversaciones.

"Adueñarte" de tu es una referencia a una serie de videos de la orga (cuenta en YT)

Son buenos los videos, hablan por ejemplo de como no vemos gente morena o indígena en resultados de búsquedas en los principales motores. (porque ey! ¿que crees? hay una agenda!)

Pero promuevan la idea que uno puede controlar el "algoritmo" de las empresas o entrenarlo en su beneficio. Idea peligrosa.

Vease 's . (y mucho más)

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¿Podríamos quizás hablar de las corporativas y capitalistas como una red de transporte público que no es subvencionada con fondos públicos y donde tu ni pagas pasaje?
Puedes subir el camión pero no controlar el destino; te lleva a donde más le conviene al "algoritmo" programado por las empresas transportistas o las que mas pagan.
Igual te lleva al "Mall" en vez de a tu casa, o al super en vez del mercado local. Pues adueñarte de tu algoritmo, pero sigues estando en el mall, no en tu casa.

I really do like these generated videos about the transition from car centred hell to human centred bliss.
Here's looking at you .

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