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Keith Whyte retooteado

Seems google/apple's push notifications services are regularly queried by state authorities for obtaining user data -- see this german @netzpolitik_feed --
#deltachat only uses apple's push notifications on iOS for "heartbeat" services -- to ensure the app can show messages for their user (and many users are asking for tighter integration). On Android, Desktop and #ubuntutouch platforms currently no push notifications are used or needed, also no heartbeat ones.

Keith Whyte retooteado

#ArtAdventCalendar Day 6:

I played with Irish crochet motifs and found some of them looking like gears. Thus the idea of steampunk gears was born.
This collection was made for a virtual yarnbombing project for CoNZealand, the virtual 2020 Worldcon. I ended up using them in postcards suitable for sending to friends around the globe, will see if I can find and show them another day.

Hey Andre! Don't mean to make work for you, but it'd be great if this was also in English. I've been questioning the ignoring of this push notifications issue for years, nobody ever cared. "push notification are great", battery etc etc..
Anyway, I did a quick machine + some correction translation to Spanish, I'll remove it immediately if this is not OK. Let me know, thanks!

Keith Whyte retooteado

Let's make this crystal clear: If you think you are anonymous because you

- used a throwaway number for Signal
- picked a completely random username for Wire/Matrix
- were given a random username with Threema/Session

YOU ARE NOT! You can be identified by the push tokens that are registered with each messenger operator.

Keith Whyte retooteado

Das Smartphone piept oder vibriert. Diese Benachrichtigungen laufen über Push-Dienste, fast immer von den Smartphone-Firmen. So erfahren Behörden, welcher Google/Apple-Account hinter Signal-User +49-172-9973185 oder Threema-User *MY3DATA steckt. Wir wollen Auskunft.

Keith Whyte retooteado

AstrosMX te brinda servicios informáticos basados en Software Libre y de Código Abierto que protegen tu privacidad y te encaminan para alcanzar la verdadera libertad digital.

Nos apegamos a la legislación vigente en México, lo que te brinda la confianza jurídica de que tu información no será vulnerada por terceros, ya sean empresas o gobiernos.

#SofwareLibre #SoberaníaDigital #Libertad #Emancipación

The cost of mobile phones:

"If the X were made in the United States, it would be unaffordable for the vast mass of
the world’s population. One estimate suggests that if the iPhone were made in the , it would cost at least $30,000 per phone.

Just say .

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

#Competition authorities should keep an eye on the moves by #Android to push attestation for secure apps (e.g. banking apps) to the server through the #PlayIntegrityAPI, encouraging firms to make non-#GooglePlay versions of ‘open source’ Android impractical. See eg #GrapheneOS’s compatibility guide

Keith Whyte retooteado

@topio Ironically, #Mozilla's idea of "reclaiming the #internet" is to hold a five-day #offline #event in #Berlin, and to "invite" everybody who can't be there to proprietary platforms of #SurveillanceCapitalism:

»Of course, we want you to join us even if you’re not in Berlin. You’ll be able to check out the exhibits and events on our #Instagram and #TikTok, including a livestream of the Rise25 award ceremony on Mozilla’s #YouTube page.«

Keith Whyte retooteado

amazon, spaceX, whatever, they are both run by *the baddies*. I'm not saying that peeps who use their stuff are bad, we're all held hostage by any of the telcos, but I do caution that the cost will be high when we cede our infrastructure to any monopoly.

Keith Whyte retooteado

and I said this 2 years ago... “Digital colonialism is fucking dangerous, and we're not even talking about that... The trick is: how can we balance this need for fighting colonization with the tools that it is using to oppress us?”

Keith Whyte retooteado

Note that I wrote this 3 years ago: "What’s to stop either SpaceX or the US government from choosing who can be monitored, censured, throttled, or cut-off from service altogether? Will this end up serving as yet another mechanism to erode privacy rights?"

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

You are not responsible for other people’s failing business models.

Adblockers are a safety measure on the modern internet. Do your part: help everyone get more adblocking.

I'm intrigued by this. I've been thinking a lot about so called NGO's strategies and the non-solving of problems. And empowerment vs dependency creation. Care to elaborate on this graphic?

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