Do you want to change your username, or just the address of the (web interface) of the instance?
I would have thought if you do not want/need to change the username, then it just works with a redirect in https://emacsen.net/.well-known/host-meta to https://mastodon.emacsen.net/.well-known/host-meta but, I also would have thought there's people better versed in activitypub than me on the thread.
Is there a name for this rhetorical trick?
1. A writer asserts that "anyone who still uses two spaces after a full stop is abusing the language."
2. The writer notes that their target "is one of those people who still uses two spaces."
3. From that point, the author and all their fans describe the target as "an abuser" and their work as "abusive" without clarification.
4. Anyone who tries to clarify is described as "an apologist for abusers".
I feel there has to be but can't think of it.
The new joinmastodon.org website delivered by @oakstudios is live (has been for a little while, actually, but I've been working on it still). I think it's the best it's ever been. Check out the branding and about pages too!
As you might have seen from the last boost, PeerTube's latest version now supports "ability to automatically import all videos from a remote channel (from another video platform)".
What does this mean?
It means you can automatically import your videos from YouTube to PeerTube 🥳
More info from PeerTube's official news page:
@humanetech@mastodon.social @aral @jande @NGIZero @EC_NGI
Trying hard to wrap my head around this one:
"If an SDO’s OSS project becomes fundamental to the way standards are implemented in the marketplace, the lack of participation from these innovators may (i) deprive the community of valuable contributions, and (ii) skew the resulting SDO-approved OSS implementation in a way that is no longer vendor neutral."
I wonder what counts as participation and contribution in the mind of the writer. Only €€€ ?
I just noticed #petalsearch crawling one of my servers. Any readers of this using it?
@humanetech@mastodon.social @NGIZero @EC_NGI
"Two months after Trump launched Truth Social, the European Union followed suit...."
The way the presentation of this information on the EU Mastodon projects was phrased is bizarre, vaguely slanderous.
There is an agenda behind this piece but I'm not sure what it is. I'm not convinced that Michael del Castillo of Forbes staff knows what it is either.
@nonlinear @humanetech@mastodon.social
I think I like to take "explained" here as a kind of tongue in cheek absurdist minimilism. Obviosly explaining the philosophy, intention and consequence of QR codes would require a book. 😁
Chilean voters resoundingly reject a new ‘ecological’ constitution
Draft charter had major implications for economic policy, climate, environment, research, and Indigenous rights
#pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #CllimateChange #Chile
We're celebrating OpenStreetMap's 18th Anniversary! #OpenStreetMap18
Cake by @osmbd@twitter.com :)
RT @danielolleCTO@twitter.com
Turning off 2G in China harder than it looks | Light Reading https://www.lightreading.com/asia/turning-off-2g-in-china-harder-than-it-looks/d/d-id/778630#.Yr_sW0Sf6zE.twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/danielolleCTO/status/1543126725189685249
I have been testing for the past few days three replacements for #Google's #Firebase notifications: #ntfy, #Gotify and #NextCloud's Unified Push project. A few observations after a bit of tinkering:
1. The idea behind #UnifiedPush is amazing. An open protocol to share push notifications over any asynchronous channel (websocket, Redis, MQTT etc.) is what open-source apps have needed for years. Sure, there will always be those who say "push notifications are a distraction, and I'm happy to ditch them". But individual choices/behaviors shouldn't shape the development of a technology - especially when people want a genuine open alternative to something that they like/need to use.
2. UnifiedPush support from individual apps is still scarce. So far I've only found the NextCloud app itself (which only supports UP-NextPush), #Fedilab and #Element. Support on #Tusky has allegedly been implemented in the latest release, but I haven't yet managed to make it work. Let's roll up our sleeves and make sure that more and more of the apps that we like support open notification services!
3. The notification providers' client apps themselves are still quite buggy, and documentation still very sparse. I have used UP-Example from F-Droid to test the UP services. Only ntfy managed to deliver notifications end-to-end to my devices. Gotify reported an "unknown error" without many details from the logs. UP-NextPush is still very unstable both on the client and server side and I couldn't manage to deliver any notifications.
4. The protocol (and the apps that implement it) needs to slowly be extended to cover as many as possible of the features that have been implemented in the past decade. Action buttons, icons from URLs, custom background images, updates to existing notifications etc.: a couple of these features have been (partly) implemented by 1-2 providers, but we need open standards (especially for action buttons and gestures) if we want to ensure inter-compatibility.
Mathijs de Bruin blogs about why http://ipfs-search.com is needed
Technology Coordinator / Rhizomatica.