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How useful is the federated timeline on your instance?
(Or if you have multiple accounts, on the largest instance you use)

"Firefox won't work unless you enable...."
It has been a while since I have seen this (inaccurate) message for any app.

First time I've seen it for and it happens as a result of opening a github link to unsub from a repo somebody subbed me to.
Does anybody know what is happening here?

Keith Whyte retooteado

What #education did you do for free software and people in your country?

Please share your experience.

Boosts are very appreciated.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #School

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Keith Whyte retooteado

People who think "Open Source is thriving, it's everywhere!" and are all optimistic about it are doing the same thing as the people with electric cars and solar panels on their McMansions thinking that we're on track to deal with the climate crisis.

The *real* solutions for a healthy sustainable FLO world are all still marginalized and struggling, and the capitalist #greenwashing and #openwashing serve mainly to delude people about the state of things.

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

Is there a name for this rhetorical trick?

1. A writer asserts that "anyone who still uses two spaces after a full stop is abusing the language."
2. The writer notes that their target "is one of those people who still uses two spaces."
3. From that point, the author and all their fans describe the target as "an abuser" and their work as "abusive" without clarification.
4. Anyone who tries to clarify is described as "an apologist for abusers".

I feel there has to be but can't think of it.

Keith Whyte retooteado

@keith @aral @jande @NGIZero @EC_NGI @webmink

Indeed. This seems just like crazy to me. Total opposite of that seems to be the positive influence of basing the SDO's effort around an OSS core. Have transparency be at the heart of the standardization effort, and level playing field for anyone to contribute to that discussing in all openness.

These papers are sort of eye-opener for me, as for the kind of "substrate formation" that is needed for a healthy Fediverse.

Keith Whyte retooteado

The new website delivered by @oakstudios is live (has been for a little while, actually, but I've been working on it still). I think it's the best it's ever been. Check out the branding and about pages too!

Keith Whyte retooteado

As you might have seen from the last boost, PeerTube's latest version now supports "ability to automatically import all videos from a remote channel (from another video platform)".

What does this mean?

It means you can automatically import your videos from YouTube to PeerTube 🥳

:youtube: ➡️ :peertube:

More info from PeerTube's official news page:

#PeerTube #Fediverse #YouTube

I just noticed crawling one of my servers. Any readers of this using it?

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

Chilean voters resoundingly reject a new ‘ecological’ constitution

Draft charter had major implications for economic policy, climate, environment, research, and Indigenous rights

#pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #CllimateChange #Chile

Keith Whyte retooteado

Will there be a this year?

If so, maybe the screens will show the message:

!! Use more FEDI !!


Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

I have been testing for the past few days three replacements for #Google's #Firebase notifications: #ntfy, #Gotify and #NextCloud's Unified Push project. A few observations after a bit of tinkering:

1. The idea behind #UnifiedPush is amazing. An open protocol to share push notifications over any asynchronous channel (websocket, Redis, MQTT etc.) is what open-source apps have needed for years. Sure, there will always be those who say "push notifications are a distraction, and I'm happy to ditch them". But individual choices/behaviors shouldn't shape the development of a technology - especially when people want a genuine open alternative to something that they like/need to use.

2. UnifiedPush support from individual apps is still scarce. So far I've only found the NextCloud app itself (which only supports UP-NextPush), #Fedilab and #Element. Support on #Tusky has allegedly been implemented in the latest release, but I haven't yet managed to make it work. Let's roll up our sleeves and make sure that more and more of the apps that we like support open notification services!

3. The notification providers' client apps themselves are still quite buggy, and documentation still very sparse. I have used UP-Example from F-Droid to test the UP services. Only ntfy managed to deliver notifications end-to-end to my devices. Gotify reported an "unknown error" without many details from the logs. UP-NextPush is still very unstable both on the client and server side and I couldn't manage to deliver any notifications.

4. The protocol (and the apps that implement it) needs to slowly be extended to cover as many as possible of the features that have been implemented in the past decade. Action buttons, icons from URLs, custom background images, updates to existing notifications etc.: a couple of these features have been (partly) implemented by 1-2 providers, but we need open standards (especially for action buttons and gestures) if we want to ensure inter-compatibility.

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado
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