Note that I wrote this 3 years ago: "What’s to stop either SpaceX or the US government from choosing who can be monitored, censured, throttled, or cut-off from service altogether? Will this end up serving as yet another mechanism to erode privacy rights?"
Mis impresiones de una visita en China, el π-HuB Global Summit & CNHUPO 2023, Sep 2023.
„Search engines are far from passive components of the web, they construct a selective new reality – and obscure more than they show […]", says Michiel Leenaars, Director of Strategy at @nlnetlabs.
Friday is international #FreeWebSearch Day, an annual day of action to promote free, open and transparent internet search. Join the activities and free webinars:
Oh, we have a new home page on
It should be contrasted enough.
Some links may be missing still, but we’re working on it…
#China’s digital transformation: Data-empowered state capitalism and
social governmentality
Interested in #LGPD?
Now you can read the unofficial English version of the Brazilian General #DataProtecion Law, translated by #CyberBRICS team.
Download now:
Fair enough. I try not to be a zealot but it is increasingly apparent that we need to break from big tech and support those FLOSS projects we love. We are || this close from being the equivalent of Gap on Mainstreet in terms of tech biodiversity.
Baby steps...I increasingly feel there are two 'tech' consumers...and convenience is tough to beat 😞
@podo :
Might be of interest to you and yours:
Wer noch alte Laptops, Computer oder Smartphones zuhause rumliegen hat kann sie auch spenden.
Die Wartelisten sind lang und es sind nur wenige Geräte da.
#Mastodon: All instances are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Technology Coordinator / Rhizomatica.