@humanetech@mastodon.social @jayrope @the_white_wolf @frank@linuxrocks.online
re devs using libraries for... no good reason?
I just noticed during the that the client on F-droid is no longer supported on android < version 6. I can't even express in words how bad this feels on so many levels.

Forcing people to acquire new devices creates electronic junk, promotes exploitation of humans and limited physical resources.


@humanetech@mastodon.social @jayrope @the_white_wolf @frank@linuxrocks.online
There may be some kind of valid reason for the version bump, if I find time I might look at the commit log and see if it is documented.

@jayrope @humanetech@mastodon.social @the_white_wolf @frank@linuxrocks.online

So the commit message for the commit that denies access to the app for Android versions lower than 6 is:

"android: bump minimum API level to 23

Android < 23 is currently less than 3% for us so let's try to lower the
maintenance burden. Users can still download an older version no problem."

I wonder where they get their stats from.

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