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Keith Whyte retooteado

Yeah #Zoom, enlighten us:

Why is the freaking Zoom app listening to our microphone when we are not in a meeting?

"Because we are a #privacy and #security nightmare club that only care about the big bucks that your #surveillancecapitalism harvested data allows us to exploit."

This is of course not their answer, because being a wolf, why whould you talk to the sheep you have for breakfast?

Go good, go #FOSS !

Have a #Jitsi #BigBlueButton #Matrix or other proper tool.

Keith Whyte retooteado

Mark Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down Facebook and Instagram in Europe if Meta cannot process Europeans' data on US servers.

My take in thread: 🧶

Keith Whyte retooteado

English speaking friends: I'm looking to offer Spanish speaking folks free tech career advice chats, in case you know anybody's looking, would be much appreciated a share 🥰

Amiguetes! Quiero ofrecer charlas 1:1 por 30m para ofrecer consejos de carrera tech gratis.

Si te interesa aprender a programar, ser independiente, encontrar trabajo, dar charlas de conferencia, etc. hablemos!

Mandame un DM y hacemos hora 💜

Keith Whyte retooteado

The Dutch non-profit Land van Ons (Land of Us) sent a letter to Murk Zorkerburg: "Please stay the hell of our lawn with your hyperscale datacenters", and will send these letters to the other FAANG, GAFAM, GMAFIA.

The Dutch are way behind on sustainable energy, and these #BigTech are building data centers where each single one of them consumes the energy equivalence of a city like Amsterdam.

Here's the PDF of that letter:

Keith Whyte retooteado

🎉 Fediverse.Party and its Wiki finally finished migration to a new home!

Our code repository can be found at Codeberg:

Honoured to be part of @codeberg community.

Keith Whyte retooteado

What device do you generally use (most often) to access Fedi?


I use a laptop. :-)

Hi. Sorry for not getting back to you on this. I don't like to leave questions without a response, but I'm a bit lost about which argument this is.

Free as in not having to run servers?

"connected" is also a concept I have trouble with - knowing what is meant when it is used is difficult.

If there existed some "centre for abuse of adjectives", I'd have to file a report. 😃

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

Proof is in the pudding.

Not to worry though, GitHub's days as a forge are almost over. Soon it will be relegated to little more than a directory (search engine) for projects, once
#Gitea completes their ForgeFed / ForgeFlux #ActivityPub #Federation integration (Now in limited release) which will obsolete the #monolithic_silo, leaving GitHub little more than a place-holder with files to locate FOSS repos elsewhere on Federated forge servers that are horizontally scaled in the #Fediverse.

#tallship #Vger #Cheezburgerz #ForgeFed


Keith Whyte retooteado

@Ged @yarmo

Also we need to ebrace "failure". For often the definition of "success" is owned by our opponents and their cybernetic machines that count everything on Earth. Let's aim for quality not quantity!

"Failing" at getting quantity at anything is a step towards learning how to do it better, even if only for ourself.

Here again the main objective is to not *let ourselves be discouraged* by the machines-and-their-numbers of our opponents, who tell us when we "succeed" and when we "fail"!

@Ged @jz @yarmo

Hey!.. Forgive me to point it out, but it's obvious your mistake. If you had've done PEERTube videos it all would have worked out great!

@Ged @yarmo
This is a REALLY good description of why running servers is not fun - anymore.

Further to what @jz points out, it's worth stopping for a moment (or longer), (re)thinking about the WHY of any of it.
From the point of view of my work in a fragmented oft-disconnected world off of the beaten track of the data-highways, there may be no other choice but to run servers! The good thing is that a not-connected space is also a less hostile place; a good space to learn to have FUN again.

Keith Whyte retooteado

@humanetech @jens @maswan @eaon @meejah @TerryHancock @rysiek

The response by @staltz is correct, only a minority will contribute to a community but it's that active minority which makes communities possible.

The YouTube example is perfect: only a minority upload videos yet those are the videos the majority watches.

Moxie doesn't seem to realise (or perhaps doesn't want to admit) that human beings depend on an active community-spirited minority. Society isn't possible without such people.

Keith Whyte retooteado

You want people to run their own servers? Design and build servers for individuals, not communities and let communities arise from the interconnections between those servers.


Because that’s the only way we can compete on ease of use with centralised systems. Not by mimicking their complexity but by side-stepping it. There is orders of magnitude difference in complexity between a system designed to serve just one and one designed to serve one, two, or a hundred thousand.

#SmallWeb #web0

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This thread refers to the talk in question. Despite the fact that the cat is long out of the bag as such, in respect of the original request to not have it archived I will not post a direct link here.

I did like the DEFCON 18 talk - the part around 17 minutes on Poindexter to The "Kitten surveillance society" and all that. It was a good point very well presented.

Moxie on hosting: "The companies that emerged offering to do that for you instead were successful, and the companies that iterated on new functionality based on what is possible with those networks were even more successful."

Wow. What a miserably sad understanding of .
I honestly wonder why much attention is paid to moxie's rants, the millionaire who stood in front of and basically said that
consensus is hard, therefore we should just do everything his way.

I suppose it's partly the same reason gates, bezos, zuckerberg et al get attention; because they got obscenely economically rich through being tech entrepreneurs and somehow "we" still admire "got rich".

@dazinism @handle
I'd like to tentatively, respectfully suggest that you are leaving out a threat model here. for sure, BB and SoC have vulnerabilities, so does pretty much everything and always will. Network originated exploits are probably rare, unless you are at Leipzig or are a nation state actor.

For the "ordinary" person, it's more like they install the threat themselves, (from playstore) I mean.. personally, I would NEVER EVER put an app with access to banking on a "phone".

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