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Keith Whyte retooteado

Since I started to use , I have wondered how I got by without it.

Of course, I have no need for speed here.

Maybe it could just be done theoretically. Maybe we could ask some instance admins for stats on their CPU usage.

I do think though, that on top of everything else involved in having the instance up and running, it's probably minimal.

Related: I've had discussions about bytes-on-the-wire with people who should know, and the general consensus seemed to be that after you switch on all the infra to do so, the consumption related to actually watching a video is negligible.


I hate , I really do.

I play chess, and I swear never to do it again.
But every year or so, it happens that somebody proposes a game of chess, and I, thinking that my memories must be exaggerated, accept.

It's only a game of Chess, after all. It can't possibly be that bad. Then I remember.

I that anything like your relationship with NFS?

I would be super interested to know the actual difference. So maybe that's a justification for doing it.

Can you monitor the of your instance for a few days, then bring up a#mastodon for a few days and compare?

Keith Whyte retooteado

@ciaby @adamdavidson

I suppose multiple people have learned, (if that's how one can refer to the process) from years of "social media" use, to trust their immediate instinct to leap to forming an opinion that allows a click, or a one liner and move on..

Of course, any research, deeper study, cognitive analysis and all that nonsense would be out of the question.

Keith Whyte retooteado

The French Free Software unit at Etalab DINUM is glad to announce a promising cooperation with the NLnet foundation.

Together, we will reward EU maintainers of #FreeSoftware #OpenSource already used by the French administration.

More about this in the next coming weeks !


Hmm. Where is the doubt, and who is "we"?
As confirmed by both major contributors on the thread, they are having some fun with sarcasm. 😃

What's not a joke however is that won't survive capitalism, and I'm not sure many people, if anybody has thought about that.
But then again, going forwards from where we are right now as a species, seems like that nothing will survive capitalism - and that, my friend, is optimism, just in case that is not clear.

Keith Whyte retooteado

The insecure "software supply chain" is the result of large corporations incorporating open-source software into their highly profitable, mass market software, without providing resources to those open-source projects. The only real solution is to provide those resources to those projects, but since this is a cost-cutting measure, that is unlikely to happen.

Given the massive influx into over the last few days, make that:


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The irish have come up with a pretty cool hasttag to identify themselves across the fediverse:

Yes, I feel that ultimately, the logistics of administration is going to be the crux of it all. Both the human resources required for... what can we call it? Social administration? and the tech resources required to stay online and scale. (computer hardware, electricity, etc)

Which to my mind is one more reason to keep your instance small!

Best case scenario here is that somehow instances remain small, community based, serving to bring people together rather than keep them divided in fear, with just the right amount of cross over to stop filter bubbles. something that always would elude twitter.

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What if all that noise simply moves to ? Twitter could then become a place to go to for information without having to suffering the noise of "opinion", not to mention the bots.

Of course, then.. Maybe they would go back to twitter, and leave in peace?

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Turning things upside down, it suddenly occurs to me that could have the inverse effect of what is expected.

Twitter, as far as I can make out, generally goes like this:

Somebody who for whatever reason, makes something, builds something, or does some research, etc and makes a post of genuine interest about it, often linked to a blog or a publication.

several 100 or 1000 (maybe people, maybe bots) post one liner (often hateful, sometimes trying to be witty) noise on the thread.

My test instance has been down a few times.
I don't know what the back off retry times are for instances that are not responding, but a few hours down seems to be enough to stop the normal flow.
I don't know what it might take to get all back to normal after years. Does an instance "push" posts to all followers? Or should they poll in some cases? I guess this is all documented some place.

I deleted it and reposted. (aka edited ) Probably your instance did not process the delete before showing you the new one. You definately cannot vote?

It might well be slow, it's running on a VM connected to its public IP server via VPN. There's a couple of NAT forwards there in between, I'm actually surprised that this causes the slow down that it does and I'm still not sure why. But I haven't seen the error you describe.
BTW, It got distributed-SYN-attack'ed recently, so I added some rules (on pfSense) to rate limit that, and limit the max number of concurrent firewall states, but I have since removed them again.

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