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Keith Whyte retooteado

I remember seeing Halliburton employees hiding their badges at a tech conference because they were ashamed of it. (Not conjecture, by the way, I asked them why and that’s exactly what they told me.) And that’s exactly as it should be. They, at least, had some situational awareness. I can’t say the same thing for folks who proudly work at surveillance capitalists now parading themselves on the fediverse like prized peacocks.


#surveillanceCapitalism #fediverse #corporateCapture #activism

Concerns about

3) Resource extraction.

The internet is a colonialist tool, like roads that are built into jungles to extract precious minerals, the info superhighway does the same, while you might expect here one would say "for personal data", actually we can just focus on the simple hard-earned MXN $1100/month transferred to USD via SpaceX.

Is this any worse that paying the local WISP that pays or for their uplink?

My knowledge of economics of this is limited.

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Concerns about

2) USA centralised infrastructure.

We build community networks, for community communication.

Starlinks Downlink/Uplink ratio is huge. That is to be expected, the network is designed primarily for beaming the likes of Netflix and "social media" into hearts and souls.

Still, we can ignore that and route SIP/RTP over it, and reach community services running on our servers, albeit only by routing our data through teleports.

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Concerns about

1) Yet another complex dependency about which we know very little.

Will it last?
What happens if there's a massive crash in space?
How will performance be as the number of terrestrial antennas increases?

What about the environmental, scientific and political issues of the implementation of starlink, and supporting the colony project. As often, not for me to say, but once again in this work, there is the task of facilitating the making of an informed decision.

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Yesterday I did some very "manual" tests of VoIP call quality with . Works 100%.

So, for the moment, it would seem like the perfect solution to remote communications. For /TIC this has been a major block for years. We have been unable to install local service in quite some number of communities, due to being unable to provide reliable backhaul.

However, I do have some concerns about it.

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Well, there's really not much to say about .

You take it out of the box, place the dish on the roof, plug it in. It takes a few minutes to find itself, align the dish and then it just works.

You do not strictly need the app (I don't have a device that would run it) to get connected , although I suppose it might help on a site with many obstructions.

latency is, as advertised, low, RTT to space and back is ~40ms. Even when loaded up it's not that bad.

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Keith Whyte retooteado

XLT Alert > 20 Years of Morgenrot Cafe in #btropolis 2nite .... 20 years of a worker-owned oasis cafe, that survived the grim pberg gentrifork ! 🍴 Good reasons to celebrate ! Plus it is in a haus project bought by a miet syndikat strategy, so it's off the immobilien marketplace for the next 99 Years ( at least ). if we live that long haha. ;))))) 🍾🍷#workerowned #kollectiv #anarchism #antifá #kiezkultur

I don't know how many minds I am in about the presence of this thing in the lab, but I suppose I will do setup this week and test performamce for - latency, jitter, packet loss and such.

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

"Mastodon Is 'Antiviral' Design"

My essay on this:

Twitter (and most big social media) is laser-focused on creating virality -- i.e. training the joint attention of millions of people on one hot post/meme/story/event happening *right this instant* ... and doing it over and over and over again

Mastodon really isn't -- for lots of rich and interesting reasons

It's why some emigres from Twitter find Mastodon so baffling

This place embraces slowness and useful friction

Keith Whyte retooteado
Juhuu, he cancelado mi infinitum @Telmex! En @JobNetworks me atiende un ser humano amable. Por el contrario, el robot de @Telmex me quiere vender paquetes de videos (solo 99$ el primer mes) que en lugar de contestar preguntas y resolver mis problemas de conexión (3 días sin red).
Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

I very recently learned that the term “boycott” comes from someone’s actual name: Charles Boycott. Boycott was an English land agent who tried, in 1880, to collect unpayable rents from Irish peasants on behalf of an English aristocrat landlord. When he failed to collect the rents, he tried evicting the tenants. The Irish Land League responded with a campaign to ignore Boycott’s orders and isolate him socially and economically.

They not only ignored his eviction orders and threw manure at his process servers, but refused to deliver his mail or sell him food.

It was pretty effective—the British government eventually had to deploy a thousand soldiers (naturally, because the state works for the propertied class and none more than the 19th century British state) at a cost of some £10,000 to harvest £500 worth of crops. Boycott had to be evacuated by the soldiers, who even had to drive him out, as no locals would agree to drive his carriage out of the region.

Imagine being cancelled so hard that your name becomes permanently associated with getting cancelled.

Keith Whyte retooteado

It's important to know that when certain grifters see the Fediverse, they don't see a better way of building the Internet.

They see unexploited resources -- ready for the taking.

Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado
Keith Whyte retooteado

The French Free Software unit at Etalab DINUM is glad to announce a promising cooperation with the NLnet foundation.

Together, we will reward EU maintainers of #FreeSoftware #OpenSource already used by the French administration.

More about this in the next coming weeks !

Keith Whyte retooteado

The insecure "software supply chain" is the result of large corporations incorporating open-source software into their highly profitable, mass market software, without providing resources to those open-source projects. The only real solution is to provide those resources to those projects, but since this is a cost-cutting measure, that is unlikely to happen.

Given the massive influx into over the last few days, make that:


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The irish have come up with a pretty cool hasttag to identify themselves across the fediverse:

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Telecomunicaciones Indígenas Comunitarias

Servidor experimental para I+D en Intranets.