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Keith Whyte retooteado

@humanetech @jens @maswan @eaon @meejah @TerryHancock @rysiek

The response by @staltz is correct, only a minority will contribute to a community but it's that active minority which makes communities possible.

The YouTube example is perfect: only a minority upload videos yet those are the videos the majority watches.

Moxie doesn't seem to realise (or perhaps doesn't want to admit) that human beings depend on an active community-spirited minority. Society isn't possible without such people.

Keith Whyte retooteado

You want people to run their own servers? Design and build servers for individuals, not communities and let communities arise from the interconnections between those servers.


Because that’s the only way we can compete on ease of use with centralised systems. Not by mimicking their complexity but by side-stepping it. There is orders of magnitude difference in complexity between a system designed to serve just one and one designed to serve one, two, or a hundred thousand.

#SmallWeb #web0

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This thread refers to the talk in question. Despite the fact that the cat is long out of the bag as such, in respect of the original request to not have it archived I will not post a direct link here.

I did like the DEFCON 18 talk - the part around 17 minutes on Poindexter to The "Kitten surveillance society" and all that. It was a good point very well presented.
Moxie on hosting: "The companies that emerged offering to do that for you instead were successful, and the companies that iterated on new functionality based on what is possible with those networks were even more successful."

Wow. What a miserably sad understanding of .
I honestly wonder why much attention is paid to moxie's rants, the millionaire who stood in front of and basically said that
consensus is hard, therefore we should just do everything his way.

I suppose it's partly the same reason gates, bezos, zuckerberg et al get attention; because they got obscenely economically rich through being tech entrepreneurs and somehow "we" still admire "got rich".

@dazinism @handle
I'd like to tentatively, respectfully suggest that you are leaving out a threat model here. for sure, BB and SoC have vulnerabilities, so does pretty much everything and always will. Network originated exploits are probably rare, unless you are at Leipzig or are a nation state actor.

For the "ordinary" person, it's more like they install the threat themselves, (from playstore) I mean.. personally, I would NEVER EVER put an app with access to banking on a "phone".

@handle @seedlingattempt
I can totally relate to this sadness and call to "don't" actions, which BTW, are sometimes very valid.

Not doing anything can be as good a call as any other, and hopefully the generation is on its last legs.

I still think the problem is "phones". I don't think there is a "phone" that will fix this for us. That said, I am also eyeing a PinePhone. 😉

Many thanks. I tried hard to avoid boosting the entire thread. 🙂

@doenietzomoeilijk @jayrope

Not supporting older hardware is IMPLICIT in not supporting older Android. (I was about to write OS, but i'm really not sure "android" qualifies as an OS)

Tying security support to newer versions, i.e. newer hardware, while bundling new obligatory "functionality" is political, not technology related.

@jayrope @doenietzomoeilijk

Something I do think about is some kind of Lineage (et al) install service. I'm no expert, but I believe that for a quality experience, the number of device models that this is possible on is quite small, especially in the more economic markets.

I'm all the time more and more convinced that we have created a mother of all problems with "phones", which is unfortunate, given my line of work. 😕 😞

The problem that I do not know how to deal with is 3-fold

1st there is itself, the main problem - that illegitimate robot spawn of FOSS+capitalism.

2nd are the portable computing devices and the culture of feeling somehow incomplete as humans without them, calling them "phones", with their locked bootloaders, closed propriety chips and firmwares et al.

3rd, as @jayrope alluded to is the complexity and the many layers and frameworks that modern software is based on. @jayrope

I don't think it is what you are saying, but my main thought here is always that I'm not convinced by the need for security updates outweighing supporting older hardware.

If anything, more secure software should be more lean, not more bloated + requiring more RAM and CPU. I think that a lot of extra (probably surveillance) crap is pushed out under the guise of "security" updates.

@jayrope @the_white_wolf

So the commit message for the commit that denies access to the app for Android versions lower than 6 is:

"android: bump minimum API level to 23

Android < 23 is currently less than 3% for us so let's try to lower the
maintenance burden. Users can still download an older version no problem."

I wonder where they get their stats from.

bitterness, sardonic comment. 

@jayrope @the_white_wolf

I guess that when the internet project is finally successful, we can once and for all do away with minorities.

That is to say.. I do not support in anyway the idea that mastodon is a twitter "replacement". @jayrope @the_white_wolf
There may be some kind of valid reason for the version bump, if I find time I might look at the commit log and see if it is documented. @jayrope @the_white_wolf
re devs using libraries for... no good reason?
I just noticed during the that the client on F-droid is no longer supported on android < version 6. I can't even express in words how bad this feels on so many levels.

Forcing people to acquire new devices creates electronic junk, promotes exploitation of humans and limited physical resources.

So with all sincerity then, why are you still using Twitter? Don't you think that your presence there somehow validates the platform?

I don't mean that as some random bitchy (twitter style) comeback. Really. isn't it time to "vote with our feet"?
Or if not now, when?
Very interesting the way things are going in the world.
I'm looking at this idea that the more $point$ you have, the more votes you get.
Same old same old, just more honest?

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